Don’t Let A Fender Bender Wreck Your Life, by Dr. Joseph Morreale

I wrote this book with the patient in mind because I know that so many people are unaware of what to do when they are involved in a motor vehicle accident. Recently the insurance companies have changed the law, in their favor of course, the last few years for the sole reason to try to limit or eliminate their insurance responsibility to you.  This is unfortunate now  because the policies that you pay a premium for every month, you now do not get full access to. The laws are hard to understand and many people, unfortunately, do not know what they should do for medical care for their injuries. On top of that, the care is now limited or restricted to what the insurance company allows. This book answers these questions and talks about the laws and the restrictions that are placed on you to seek care. You will also learn a lot about Chiropractic care such as the different techniques and treatment options, the education of a Chiropractor, health benefits of wellness care, what to expect on a first visit, how Chiropractic works and the process to getting you better. I invite you to read this book, I can almost guarantee you will learn something new.